What does low-level laser mean?
Low-level laser acupuncture (LLL acupuncture) uses low-energy lasers to reach a wide variety of nerve pathways and nerve nodes. Unlike laser scalpels, for example, the power is much lower with the low-level laser. Unlike conventional acupuncture using needles, there are no puncture marks or wounds – the effect is achieved through the induced light. Stimulation of the body’s own healing powers significantly supports the recovery process.
Fields of application of LLL acupuncture
In radiotherapy, the use of low-level laser acupuncture is mainly concerned with the best possible management of side effects. Occurring irritations and pains can be treated well by means of acupuncture. Due to the painless and in significantly tighter rhythms possible application, especially acute complaints are quickly relieved.
Where can you have low-level laser acupuncture performed in Munich?
We currently offer low-level laser acupuncture at our Schwabing location. The use of acupuncture to treat side effects of radiation therapy is managed individually and in close accordance with the respective radiation treatment plan. Just ask for an appointment for an enlightening conversation on site!
What are the effects of LLL acupuncture?
Acupuncture with low-level lasers is painless. There is no injury to the skin from needles. As a result, the acceptance of the treatment is extremely high, even among patients with a fear of needles.
LLL acupuncture positively stimulates the body’s own healing processes. Cell metabolism is influenced by the induced light. Via stimulus conductors these activations are passed on and thus the original healing process in the cell is improved.
Conventional acupuncture requires a decay period of about 5 days. With the skin intact during low-level laser acupuncture, sessions can be performed at much shorter intervals.
Advantages of low-level laser therapy
Procedure of low level laser acupuncture
Low-level laser acupuncture works without skin injury. This makes very tight treatment rhythms possible. Per treatment, acupuncture is performed in sessions lasting approximately 10 to 20 minutes. To protect against the brightness of the therapy laser, all patients wear protective goggles, which must not be removed for the entire duration of therapy.
For which indications is LLL acupuncture not used?
In radiotherapy, low-level laser is used for side effect management. Thus, there is more accurate knowledge about the possible applications for radiation patients. The LLL must not be used in the treatment of thyroid gland with known malfunction of the same. During pregnancy, the lower abdomen and lumbar area must not be treated by laser. Reproductive organs (ovaries, testes) are omitted, as are the areas near the eyes.