Albrecht Glück

Specialties: Pediatric oncology & prostate cancer.

Main focus

  • Pediatric Oncology
  • Prostate Cancer

Short vita

Since 2020 at Radiologie München. Specialist since 1996 – as a specialist in brachytherapy for prostate cancer, Mr. Glück is considered a recognized and highly experienced radiation therapist. In addition to his studies in human medicine, he also successfully completed a degree in physics.

Main focus

  • Pediatric Oncology
  • Prostate Cancer

Short vita

Since 2020 at Radiologie München. Specialist since 1996 – as a specialist in brachytherapy for prostate cancer, Mr. Glück is considered a recognized and highly experienced radiation therapist. In addition to his studies in human medicine, he also successfully completed a degree in physics.

Radiotherapy Schwabing
Kölner Platz 1
80804 ­München
Tel: 089 3068 2544

Specialist in radiotherapy and radiation oncology

Specialist with additional qualification in brachytherapy

Radiation Therapy Specialist

Focus: Prostate Cancer

Main location: Radiotherapy Schwabing, Kölner Platz 1, House 14

Professional qualification

  • since 1996

    Specialist qualification as a physician for radiation therapy, additional qualification: brachytherapy

  • 1988

    Aprobation to the doctor

  • Until 1988

    Study of human medicine (since 1980)

    at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

  • Until 1988

    Study of physics (since 1980)

    at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg

Professional career

  • since 2005

    Radiation therapist in private practice

    in the joint practice for radiotherapy and radiooncology at Schwabing Hospital

  • until 2008

    Radiotherapist (Start 2003)

    in the outpatient clinic for urological brachytherapy at the Bogenhausen Clinic, interstitial brachytherapy of the prostate gland

  • until 2005

    Employed specialist (start 1988)

    in the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiological Oncology at Munich Schwabing Hospital

  • until 1996

    Resident (Start 1988)

    in the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiological Oncology at Munich Schwabing Hospital