Prof. Dr. med.
Everhard van de Flierdt

Specialties: Thyroid and kidney diagnostics

Main focus

  • Diagnosis and therapy of thyroid diseases
  • Nuclear medicine examinations for tumors
  • Functional diagnostics of the kidneys
  • Nuclear medicine diagnostics of orthopedic and rheumatologic skeletal diseases

Short vita

Specialist in nuclear medicine since 1989, doctorate in 1984 – Prof. Dr. med. Everhard van de Flierdt has been working in the field of nuclear medicine diagnostics for a very long time. His focus is on early tumor detection and testing of kidney function. He also conducts research in the field of thyroid disease detection and treatment.

Main focus

  • Diagnosis and therapy of thyroid diseases
  • Nuclear medicine examinations for tumors
  • Functional diagnostics of the kidneys
  • Nuclear medicine diagnostics of orthopedic and rheumatologic skeletal diseases

Short vita

Specialist in nuclear medicine since 1989, doctorate in 1984 – Prof. Dr. med. Everhard van de Flierdt has been working in the field of nuclear medicine diagnostics for a very long time. His focus is on early tumor detection and testing of kidney function. He also conducts research in the field of thyroid disease detection and treatment.

Nuclear-Medicine Rotkreuzklinikum
Nymphenburger Str. 163
80634 München
Tel: 089 2121960

Specialist in nuclear medicine

Specialist with many years of experience in diagnostics using PET/CT, scintigraphy, MRI and CT.

Experienced diagnostician for oncology, esp. Thyroid gland

Main location: Nuclear-Medicine Rotkreuzklinikum, Nymphenburger Str. 163

Professional qualification

  • since 2004

    Member of the Audit Committee

    in the field of quality control nuclear medicine and radiation protection

  • since 1999

    Member of the Audit Committee

    in the field of nuclear medicine

  • 1991

    Approval for the use of radioactive substances on humans in medical research

  • 1990


  • 1989

    Specialist in nuclear medicine

  • 1984

    Doctorate in medicine

  • 1983

    License to practice medicine


Over 300 publications, scientific lectures and training courses


German Society for Nuclear Medicine (DGN)

Bavarian Society for Nuclear Medicine (BGN)

Professional Association of German Radiologists (BvDR)

European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)

Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)

German-Latvian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Professional career

  • since 2017

    Employed physician in the group practice Radiologie München

  • until 2016

    Partner of the joint practice Radiologie München (since 1993)

  • Until 1993

    Senior physician for nuclear medicine in Munich (since 1989)

    at the Technical University of Munich

  • until 1989

    Physician for nuclear medicine in Munich (since 1985)

    at the Technical University of Munich

  • 1985

    DFG fellowship at the Federal Office for Environmental Protection and Radiation Hygiene (since 1984)

  • until 1983

    Study of human medicine in Berlin (since 1977)

  • 1951

    Born in Weeze